Explaining HUNT SEASONS and a glance at our long-term project

Dope Wolves
2 min readFeb 8, 2022


As you may already know, HUNT SEASONS will be events in which Dope Wolves’ owners can opt to earn rewards and passive income thanks to their NFTs. But, how do they work?

Image by: SwissBorg

HUNT SEASONS are reward mechanisms in which the holders will be able to stake their NFTs for two days. During those 48 h, 70% of all the marketplace transaction fees will be stored in a Community Wallet. If you want to learn more about marketplace fees, please refer to this article: (https://dopewolves.medium.com/dope-wolves-the-future-of-our-project-f421c5654a86)

At the end of the HUNT SEASON, all the funds in the community wallet will be distributed according to your wolve’s rarity:

  • 20% Common wolves
  • 20% Unusual wolves
  • 20% Rare wolves
  • 20% Epic wolves
  • 10% Legendary wolves

Please keep in mind that since the amount of wolves is progressively lower, rewards will exponentially increase depending on the rarity.

At the end of the HUNT SEASON, the NFT and the generated reward will be given back to the owner, with the possibility to participate in the next HUNT SEASON. Please keep in mind that you can not withdraw your Dope Wolf while it is being staked and that you can not list it in a marketplace since it will not be kept in your wallet during this period.

We at the Dope Wolve’s team have also realized that many projects make void promises, therefore hyping up people’s expectations and then underdelivering or failing to build the features they promised.

Since our community is extremely valuable to us and we do not want to disappoint anyone, we want to make sure everyone is up to date with our developments. That is why we are asking for your opinion! The other day the team held a meeting where we discussed the role of the NFTs inside the upcoming play-to-earn game. We shuffled possibilities such as buying BONES to feed your wolves, upgrading their strength, and improving rewards and odds in raffles for the strongest wolves. However, nothing has been fully decided yet. Please if you have any ideas or suggestions to help us improve the project, feel free to DM Jptenaover#0001 on Discord to discuss them. 😍

Photo by olieman.eth on Unsplash

Just a reminder that these are our ONLY official links! Be careful with scams

| Website: https://dopewolves.com

| Twitter: https://twitter.com/DopeWolvesNFT

| Discord: https://discord.gg/h7XavaRzsB

| Medium: https://dopewolves.medium.com

| Telegram: https://t.me/DopeWolves



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